Frequently Asked Questions

From zFairs Contest Management

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you prevent duplicate accounts?

To prevent users from creating multiple accounts we do a check and make sure that their name and email don't already exist in our system. If we already have there name and email in our system then we force them to login thus preventing them from creating a duplicate account.

How do you recover your forgotten Password Or Username?

For information on recovering your password see: Recovering Password

How do I update my profile information?

For information on updating your profile see: Update your Profile

Frequently Asked Questions for Admin Users:

Who can delete accounts?

Only Admin users can delete other admin users. Admin and Staff users can delete teacher, volunteer and staff accounts. Student/participant user accounts can be deleted by a staff or admin user or by the student's teacher.

Who can approve student paperwork/ISEF Forms?

Teachers can view their student's forms, however, only staff and admin users can approve paperwork/forms. There is a setting titled, "Only Allow staff members to approve paperwork". When this setting is turned on, only admin users can approve student paperwork/ISEF Forms. To turn this setting on/off, please go to "Staff Tools", "Fair Setup" and "Settings".

How do I know which judges are planning on judging at our current fair?

There is a report entitled "Judge's Details - Active" which only lists the judges who have recently registered or accessed their account. To access this report, go to "Staff Tools", "Reports" and click on the "Judge's Details - Active" report.

It keeps showing a banner at the bottom that says “your license has expired”

This is like the case when your license has expired and you are needing to renew or your first payment has not been processed.

What is Project/Entry’s plan? Is this the research plan?

It is a play where participants can provide an overview of their project plan; yes, this is also referenced as research plan.

What is Project/Entry’s description? Is this the abstract?

It is a place where participants can provide a description of their project. There is another option for abstract.

Who is required to sign the media release?

Your contest participants (students) are the owns we send the media release too.

We combine the media release with the Hold harmless release, should I break them out?

That is up to you, the system can only track it as one or the other, just remember that your text from your media release or hold harmless may apply to both.

Is there any way to hide the schedule temporarily?

Currently there is not.

Is the teacher address home or school address?

That is completely up to the teacher, and the instructions you provide.

Where did the list of MA schools come from? Are they public schools only?

This is a list of schools private and public; this list comes from a government database and may not be up to date.