Webinar - 2021 Feb 4 - Tags

From zFairs Contest Management
(Redirected from Webinar - Feb 4 2021 - Tags)



Chat Transcript

14:05:02 From Dan Rojas : thank you Kelli for the heads up.
14:06:37 From Elizabeth Kronberg : It is 0003
14:08:06 From Vickie Driver : Can I make a report of those that have been taged?
14:09:40 From Nancy H - CO : Do student see which projects have been tagged when they go into the showcase?
14:11:38 From Setareh : Can you please explain tags on the showcase part again?
14:11:48 From Sheila : did you say that the excel export with tags was only a superuser function?
14:11:54 From Vickie Driver : Looks like your tags are different colors. Is this now a property? though it seems like they aren't uniquely color coded.
14:12:21 From Elizabeth Kronberg : This is great, but takes a long time if you have a lot of projects or people. Is there a way to upload tags?
14:12:58 From Miguel Aznar : Is there a tree of where pages are? I get lost and spend time hunting through menus. For instance, I can’t find Showcase, even under Fair. A drawing would help all of us navigate quickly.
14:13:17 From Nicole Guttenberg : Is there a way to use tags to help with assigning awards?
14:14:06 From Elizabeth Kronberg : In what scenario would judges tag a project?
14:15:03 From Nancy H - CO : Showcase only shows up if you have selected it in the settings page
14:15:27 From Nancy H - CO : For Miguel
14:18:02 From Sheila : Elizabeth - nominate to state fair good use of tags (if they work:)
14:19:27 From Sheila : … and could use them to make judging groups
14:22:07 From Nancy H - CO : Does the showcase open without a key during public open house times?
14:22:20 From Elizabeth Kronberg : Can we use tags to promote projects to another fair?
14:22:42 From Nancy H - CO : Any progress on figuring out the phone numbers to give out in case students or judges have internet trouble so they can call in to a juding session?
14:25:08 From Nancy H - CO : Thanks
14:26:18 From Nancy H - CO : The Open House times show up in your schedule under the Fair tab
14:26:57 From Sheila : and admin always sees without key - need to play from outside to see what's happening
14:27:50 From Sheila : WHAT - JUDGES NO KAY?
14:27:54 From Nicole Guttenberg : Regarding the schedule, can students continue to submit for their projects after the info freeze
14:28:05 From Sheila : Always or just during judging
14:28:46 From Nancy H - CO : Students and teachers with accounts don't need a key
14:29:06 From Sheila : grr.
14:29:27 From Miguel Aznar : When inviting us to these Zooms, would you include Zoom ID and password, not just a link? I’d like to join from a computer other than the one I use for email.
14:29:42 From Nicole Guttenberg : Specifically, not the paperwork - images, video, etc
14:29:58 From Nancy H - CO : Students would be able to see projects in a real fair also. I don't think it's a problem
14:31:08 From Nicole Guttenberg : Thank uou
14:31:37 From Miguel Aznar : Mapping the features and pages would help a lot of people who are not fluent in ZFairs