Category:Project App

From zFairs Contest Management
Revision as of 15:39, 11 October 2021 by Michael (talk | contribs)

Currently in Beta Testing

What is the Project App

The Project App is the tool that students will use to help them walk through the process of creating a Science Fair project. It will do this by guiding them through the process step by step and helping them keep track of all the forms they need to sign and signatures they need to get and make sure they get done at the right time and by the right people. The Project App will also be the way for students to then submit their project to a zFairs platform fair or download all of their Project Info, Paperwork and other necessary files so they can then use them however they need.
If you are not currently involved in the Beta and would like to be, please email for additional information.

Getting Started

Thank you for your help in testing this new platform we are hoping to roll out soon.
Goal of Beta Testing: Get people using the Project App in order to get as much feedback on the feature set and curriculum as we can including acquiring any thoughts on how we can make it better for users going forward.

Any feedback, bugs/issues found or questions should be sent to

Create an Account

When first accessing the Project App it will require you to register. You can do so by clicking the three bar hamburger menu icon in the top right and then selecting Register or by clicking on the New Project tile and walking through the prompts there.
  • For now please use the Science Fair template unless otherwise instructed
  • Enter an email you have easy access to so we can test communication features when the time comes
  • The terms of service are non-existent at the moment and this checkbox is only in anticipation of that being added. They will include general requirements for being appropriate and not spamming others with any signature request or other similar features.

New Projects

Once signed in you can click the New Project tile to start a new project. Select the appropriate template and walk through the steps to give it a name and start out. Once you get that far go ahead and walk through the process taking note of any issues you encounter.

Project App Terms

  • Template - The full set of pages, page elements, videos and related configurations associated with any one process. Users will select which Template they are using just prior to beginning to enter information about their project and their data associated with that use of the Template will show on their list of existing projects.
  • Page - Each tile on Pages subtab for each project counts as a page.
  • Element - Each field or piece of information on each of the various pages is an element. Elements can give information to or get information from the user.
  • Notes - The Notes sub tab in the project app is a quick reference list of things the user wants to document. They can be as extensive or short as desired.
  • Files - All of the files (images, PDFs, Word Docs, etc.) submitted to the app on the various pages or on the Files sub tab can be found on the Files sub tab.
  • Sources - The Sources sub tab will be a collection of all the cited sources for the applicable project.

Who the Project App Helps

  • Students - They get to use and benefit from all the features and curriculum of the Project App to make their lives and Science Fair Submission simpler
  • Teachers - Even if a teacher knows nothing about the science fair process they can now assist their students in walking through the app and see the progress and next steps all in real time from anywhere they have an internet connection. Teachers would also be able to benefit from the Project App by using it to assign out essays or papers to write and having the desired process for the students to follow all laid out in an easy to follow and accessible anywhere format.
  • Event Coordinators, Admins & Sponsors - Easy access to real time statistics that will help identify the pain points in any created process. They'll also be able to see how much the app is used, in what areas it is used and generate reports with any applicable data that will help them drive their advertising or awareness campaigns more effectively and efficiently.
  • You - The Project App was initially created to help with Science Fair projects but it can be used for any process you can think of and will become more feature rich over time meaning the only limit is our imaginations.

Current & Planned Features in Beta

Feature Description Status
Science Fair Project Curriculum All the basic steps needed to walk a participant through completing a Science Fair Project including:
PDF Upload Image Upload Sources Management Notebook Basic Steps Progress Status Bars
View Videos in the Project App Curriculum Creators can include videos to help teach and keep the interest of Participants Complete
Excel Like Results Spreadsheet Data tables contained within the app where students can gather their results or other information In Progress
ISEF Forms Wizard Identify the right forms and get them completed and signed at the right times In Progress
Repeat Testing Steps This would allow the app to respond to the users needs for additional rounds of testing by duplicating testing related pages to offer additional space for process design, test results and testing progress Planned
Accept multiple file uploads Create a single element that can have multiple files uploaded to it so we don't need an element for each individual file to upload Planned
Graphs & Charts Users can create/upload and include Graphs and Charts inside the Project App and then Present those with the Project App Planned
Revision History Track Revision history for pages Planned
Import Numbered List When users set up their testing process as a numbered list the project app can import that into an element on the following page to then guide the student through each of those steps Planned
Require Links Links indicated as Required by the template creator will require the user to click/tap on them and open their respective page before being able to be counted as completed Planned
Hide Element Label Currently element labels always show if they have a value. This would allow them to be hidden to users so they are easy to track in the Template editor but not displayed on screen and taking up space Planned
Background Image Upgrades Add additional quality of life supporting elements around Background images so that text is still easy to read over top of them. Planned

Pages in category "Project App"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.