API Update Project

From zFairs Contest Management

Update Project

You can use our api to update a project to do this you need to POST a message to your site. Below is an example of what needs to be posted.

If you need to add a project see API Add Project

fetch('/api/data/project', {
    headers:{'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
    body: JSON.stringify({
            Username:'admin username',
            Password: 'password',
            FairId: '9df61f13-474b-442f-ac1f-edca7348ef71', //This value can be found in your url it's the value of f
            Body: {
				Title:'Project Title' //Required
				,CategoryId: 123  //Required
				,SubCategoryId: 123 //optional
				,Plan: 'Project Plan' // optional
				,Abstract: 'Project Abstract'// optional
				,Description: 'Project Description'// optional
				,ProjectKey: ’36 char GUID’
				,EntryVideoLink: ‘video Link’ //optional
				,EntryVideoLink2: ‘video Link’ //optional
				,CategoryAwardId: 1 // optional
				,SpecialAwardsIds: [1, 2] //optional				
				"CustomQuestions" : //optional
						"Id": 123,
						"Value": "This is my answer"
				"Files": //optional
           					"Base64String" : "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAQIAA...", //not required if you use DownloadFromUrl
           					"DownloadFromUrl":"http://yoursite.com/somefile.png",//optional can be used in stead of Base64String
         	  				"FileName": "myAwesomeFile.png",
           					"Caption": "indescribable"
           					"Base64String" : "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAQIAA...",
           					"FileName": "myAwesomeFile2.png",
    		       				"Caption": "indescribable also"
           					"FileName": "myAwesomething.pdf",
           					"Caption": "indescribable pdf"
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data=>{console.log('Success: ',data);})
.catch((error)=>{console.log('Error: ', error);});

Where to get values

Various fields need id values such as CategoryId, CustomQuestion Ids, CategoryAwardId, and SpecialAwardIds. You can get these values from our API. Check out API Get Info

You can also add FixedProjectId, this allows you to upload the project Id you want to be used for your uploaded project.